SSI React Right dk
Emergency First Aid & CPR
Take the Scuba Schools International (SSI) React Right emergency first aid course and prepare yourself for the challenging and rewarding Diver Stress & Rescue course here on Koh Lanta.
As you complete more scuba diving courses, you’ll gain knowledge, skills, and confidence that help you to deal with diving related problems, helping you to look after yourself and your buddies.
A key part of being able to help other people is being able to provide emergency first aid to an injured or sick person.

This is even more important when diving, often in remote areas with no emergency healthcare or hospitals close by.
A pre-requisite for the SSI Stress and Rescue Course, React Right will give you the skills and confidence to respond to diving emergencies.
What does the SSI React Right Course Teach?
The SSI React Right course teaches both divers and non divers how to deal with life threatening problems and how to help maintain a person's life until professional medical help arrives.
This hands-on emergency first response course uses a combination of academic sessions and practical training scenarios to give you the tools and confidence you need to provide emergency first aid.
By the time you are certified, you will be able to act as an emergency first responder, providing first aid, maintaining an open airway, and providing CPR. You’ll also learn how to deal with serious bleeding, burns, fractures, allergic reactions, seizures and head injuries.
If the React Right course is taken along with the Diver Stress and Rescue course, we’ll also teach you how to correctly prepare medical oxygen equipment and how to effectively administer medical oxygen to patients.
How long is the SSI React Right Course?
The SSI React Right course can be completed in a single day, and is taught at our office at Lanta Castaway Beach Resort by one of our highly experienced instructors.
Diver Stress & Rescue Course
You can also combine the React Right emergency first aid course along with the SSI Diver Stress and Rescue course here on Koh Lanta, making a total of 3 days.
If you already hold an equivalent emergency first aid certificate from another organisation, issued within the past 2 years, you can begin the Dive Stress & Rescue course here on Koh Lanta immediately.
We prefer to teach SSI courses. Find out what's the difference between SSI and PADI?
SSI React Right Course Price
Emergency First Aid on Koh Lanta
The price for the SSI React Right course on Koh Lanta is ฿4,950 when booked online in advance (0.5 days, 0 dives).
- FREE e-Learning
- Primary Assessment
- First Aid & CPR
- Primary Stabilization
- FREE e-Learning
- Primary Assessment
- First Aid & CPR
- Primary Stabilization
- Open to everyone - you do not need to be a diver to take this course.
- Practical part of the course conducted at our office in Lanta Castaway Beach Resort.
See a complete list of all our Koh Lanta Diving Prices.
Book online og spar 10% på dykkerture og dykkerkurser på Koh Lanta.
Scuba Courses Available on Koh Lanta
Learn to Dive on Koh Lanta
We teach a full range of SSI recreational scuba diving courses here on Koh Lanta, from the entry level Open Water Diver course all the way up to Diver Stress & Rescue, together with numerous specialty courses.
Er du i stand til at dykke?
Dykkerture og dykkerkurser på Koh Lanta
Selv om dykning er en meget sikker aktivitet, er det vigtigt at vide, at du er i stand til at dykke, og at du ikke har nogen form for kondition eller sygdom, der kan øge risikoen for en ulykke under vandet.
- Download og læs Dykkermedicinsk spørgeskema.
Hvis du svarer 'ja' til nogle af de medicinske spørgsmål, bedes du printe hele formularen og tage den med til din læge, som vil vurdere din egnethed til at dykke. Din læge vil udfylde side 3, som vi skal se, før du kan begynde at dykke.
Få mere at vide hos det britiske Diving Diseases Research Centre.
Book online og spar 10% på dykkerture og dykkerkurser på Koh Lanta.