Lanta Marine Life Bibliography dk
Books, Scientific Papers & Websites...
After a dive trip, we love to look through marine life books with our guests to try and identify new things we've spotted at the dive sites.

Some of our well-worn marine life guides.
Our marine life pages would not have been possible without a lot of help from the following publications:
Printed Books:
- Allen, G., Steene, R., Humann, P., DeLoach, N. (2003) Reef Fish Identification, Tropical Pacific. Jacksonville, FL., USA: New World Publications, Inc., ISBN 1-878348-36-1.
- Humann, P., DeLoach, N., (2010) Reef Creature Identification, Tropical Pacific. Jacksonville, FL., USA: New World Publications Inc., ISBN 978-1-878348-44-9
- Phongsuwan, N. (2013) Staghorn Corals in the Andaman Sea, Thailand. Phuket, Thailand: Thai-Danish Foundation for the Phuket Marine Bialogical Center, ISBN 978-616-316-081-2.
- Matchacheep, S. (2004) Marine Animals of Thailand, 2nd Edition. Bangkok, Thailand: Praepittaya Publishing, ISBN 974-214-022-7.
- Debelius, H. (2013) Indian Ocean Reef Guide. Frankfurt, Germany: IKAN - Unterwasserarchiv, ISBN 978-3-939767-52-7.
- Debelius, H. (2004) Nudibranchs and Sea Snails, Indo-Pacific Field Guide. Frankfurt, Germany: IKAN - Unterwasserarchiv, ISBN 3-925919-51-1
- Erhardt, H., Knop, D. (2015) Corals Indo-Pacific Field Guide. Frankfurt, Germany: IKAN - Unterwasserarchiv, ISBN 3-925919-69-4.
- Darwin, Charles. (1845) Journal of Researches Into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Round the World: Under the Command of Capt. Fitz Roy. J. Murray, ISBN 978-1-139103-83-1.
- Veron J.E.N., Stafford-Smith M.G., Turak E. and DeVantier L.M. (2016). Corals of the World
- Rudman, W.B., (1998 - 2010) The Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney
- FAO 2010-2019. FAO FishFinder - Web Site. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department [online]. Rome.
- Read, G.; Fauchald, K. (Ed.) (2019). World Polychaeta database.
- WoRMS Editorial Board (2019). World Register of Marine Species.
- Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2019. FishBase.
- Stéphanie Sobry. 2013 The evolution of damselfishes
- David Mullins, Terry Farr & Julie Schubert Nudibranch Domain
Online Scientific Papers/Articles:
- Gan, Z., Li, X., Kou, Q. et al. Chin. J. (2015). Systematic status of the caridean families Gnathophyllidae Dana and Hymenoceridae Ortmann, Ocean. Limnol. 33: 149.
- Yerramilli, D., Johnsen, S. (2010). Spatial vision in the purple sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Echinoidea). J. Exp. Biol. 213, 249-255.
- McMurray, Steven E., Blum, James E., Leichter, James J., Pawlik, Joseph R. ( 2011). Bleaching of the giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta in the Florida Keys, Limnology and Oceanography, 56.
- Asrial, E., Prajitno, A., Susilo, E., Bintorom G. (2015). Biology and blooms of the edible jellyfish (Crambionemastigophora) in the Saleh Bay, Indonesia. JBES vol 6: 359-369.
- Kitamura, M., Omorim M. (2010) Synopsis of edible jellyfishes collected from Southeast Asia. Plankton Benthos Res 5(3): 106-118
- John E. Randall and Joseph D. DiBattista. (2012) A new species of damselfish (Pomacentridae) from the Indian Ocean
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